Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Mike Pence Military

Mike Pence Military - In 2012, Pence ran for governor of Indiana. His campaign focused on economic issues, particularly job creation and tax cuts. He came to power in 2013 after narrowly winning the election. Two years later, he received national attention when he signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), a national law designed to protect people's ability to practice their beliefs.

However, opponents argue that the bill allows for discrimination by giving businesses permission to refuse service to gays and lesbians. Amid widespread backlash that included businesses and sports organizations threatening to boycott, Pence signed an amendment that prevented the service from being denied based on "sex, race, religion or disability."

Mike Pence Military

What To Make Of The Mike Pence 2020 Rumors | The New YorkerSource:

He also made headlines in 2016 when he signed a law banning abortion if the fetus has a disability. "When [military spouses] get there and say, 'The last three positions, I tried to get a position in my field.'

The Challenges Of Being A Military Spouse

Now it's my turn. Next time you can't, you should retire and I'll go and work for a while." Then all of our military members. Earlier this month, a Reuters reporter met Waldron at One Shot Distillery and Brewing, which he runs on the Texas Hill Country Whiskey Trail. Silver-labeled bottles of rum, vodka and whiskey were on display at the time.

Waldron descends the stairs wearing a gray One Shot Distillery T-shirt, a Glock-19 in a holster clipped to his belt. The false claim by Flynn and his colleagues that the voting machines were hacked to steal Trump's votes is a common theme in many angry reports. The machines are "programmed to elect only those who do not care about people

," according to an email accusing election officials in Yavapai County, Arizona of complicity. Calling out General Flynn by name, the author added: "Every lie will be exposed, every traitor will be punished." "This is in the Army,' they would probably be surprised," Shanks Cow said

rin. He said he was talking. personally, not his government employer. Flake added, "The U.S. Army Reserve adheres to the Department of Defense's long-standing policy of prohibiting service members from participating in joint political campaigns to avoid the perception that the DOD is sponsoring, endorsing, or supporting any political candidate, campaign, or cause. Raiklin

Mike Pence | Biography, Vice Presidency, & Facts | BritannicaSource:

he did not respond to questions from Reuters about the investigation. At the end of the hearing, President Trump joined by phone. "I watched the hearing on OAN," Trump said on the far-right TV news channel. "I'm in the Oval Office right now, and it's very interesting to see what's going on.

"While they don't work together on one specific one, their four efforts have intersected, and Flynn is a common figure. Ryklin said he worked with Flynn. Cashel said he reached out to the general to share his concerns and they worked together in the weeks following the election. Waldron said Flynn encouraged him to open up about his research.

"It's my son I learned mine from my daughter-in-law. He insists that [Michael] has his responsibilities in the house and he has his. And I used to say, "Oh, you know, the vice president is really busy, I'll do it for him," and - really - it's better if you don't.

Seth Cashel, a former Army captain who worked in intelligence and said he made mathematical models that proved the results of the 2020 election were fraudulent. After the election, Cashel told Reuters he connected with Flynn on LinkedIn and the two began working together.

In August, Cashel published an analysis in which he said Trump won seven states held by Biden. Trump agreed with the claim, saying the report was submitted by "the most respected military intelligence captain." During the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the two military operations often crossed paths.

Army General Michael Flynn and Col. Phil Waldron worked together on secret operations in both countries, Waldron said. When Flynn was appointed to head the US Defense Intelligence Agency in 2012, Waldron said he was working undercover at the DIA.

Vice President Pence Declares End To 'Strategic Patience' On North Korea -  Abc NewsSource:

First, he met Sidney Powell, the lawyer for his old boss, Flynn. Waldron said he met with Powell in a conference room at the hotel that served as his headquarters, and briefed him in the morning hours.

The lawyer who worked with Powell, Howard Kleinhandler, confirms that Waldron was part of the group. Powell declined to comment. About $1 million came from the then-defunct nonprofit America's Future, according to an Internal Revenue Service filing.

Flynn is now sitting on his board. His brother Joe Flynn was the director. And his sister, Mary O'Neill, was the CEO. However, his work led to a flood of emails to election officials in areas where his analysis pointed to fraud.

In Pasco County, Fla., a Trump Republican winner, officials were inundated with emails demanding an investigation following Cashel's report. Cashel's analysis "lacks statistical validity," said Brian Corley, the Republican state's election manager. "People just take it for granted."

"My life has never taken me into the military, but I am proud to say that my father was in the United States Army and served in Korea," Pence told a group of Vietnam veterans in Indiana last month.

"And I'm the proud father of a U.S. Marine." Waldron's speech echoes arguments from Trump, who at the time publicly urged Pence to refuse to certify Democratic primary votes in some swing states and either declare Trump the winner or not declare a winner at all.

Photo Essay: Arrival Of Vice President Mike Pence For Official Visit To  Fort Mccoy | Article | The United States ArmySource:

Waldron suggested further measures, such as sending US marshals and soldiers to confiscate votes across the country. "A credible leader with the authority of the POTUS will be appointed" to recount all votes, the PowerPoint said.

Cashel's work helped spur calls by Trump supporters in many states for an audit of the election results. Political scientists, statisticians, and Republican and Democratic election officials ignored his analysis, which provided no documented evidence of fraud.

Cashel himself described his research as "permissive" in a Telegram post. Last week, he was on Capitol Hill in support of the Spousal Portable Certification Act, which was unveiled by a bipartisan group of lawmakers. The PCS bill, which is a play on the military's acronym for relocation, "Permanent Change of Station," aims to make it easier for military spouses to transition to a new job.

"The danger that terrorists got hold of Pence's ball was not that they could have launched an unauthorized launch. But if they had stolen the ball and found its contents, including the capabilities that were planned for a nuclear strike, they would have shared the contents with the world," Kingston Reiff, a nuclear weapons policy expert at the nonpartisan Arms Control Association, told the

CNN. they declared Trump the winner of their Electoral College votes. . Trump's team argued that the Constitution provides that right. Another $3.5 million came from The America Project, whose website features a video of Flynn saying, "Our great nation was under a new kind of attack."

Joe Flynn is one of three non-profit board members, and Flynn is a senior strategist. After Pence left Sunday's game, a spokesperson for the American Legion said the vice president "has the right to follow his conscience" and leave "if he feels it's right."

Mike Pence Lands In Afghanistan On Surprise Trip As Trump Looks To Change War Policy | The ...Source:

" and let's boycott the NFL. Retired Capt. and Reserve Lt. Col. Rychlin were keynote speakers at an "election integrity" rally in Manchester, New Hampshire on November 19. Citing polls showing a growing number of Americans at the rally, Rychlin and Cashel told a crowd of about

-75 that their initiative was successful. Waldron then got into a fight with Giuliani. When Giuliani said he wanted to discuss voter fraud, Waldron said he was stressing to the former Mayor, that fraud happens all over the world. He finally came in," he says. "The US Marshals

will immediately secure all polling places and provide security at locations in all 50 states," PowerPoint said. "In each state, a coordinated National Guard will be provided with detailed procedures and will be responsible for counting all valid ballots." In a podcast and tweet

of Dec. 7, Raiklin laid out a plan to c hit vote, alleging a conspiracy involving Pence, the intelligence agencies, big tech, China and the Postal Service. He urged Trump to "open an emergency broadcast system" and used the hashtag #FightLikeAFlynn.

"We the people will install this program," he said. "My life has never taken me into the military, but I am proud to say that my father was in the United States Army and served in Korea," Pence told a group of Vietnam veterans in Indiana last month.

"And I'm the proud father of a U.S. Marine." Logan had a connection though. He confirmed to Reuters that he was one of those who had sex with Flynn at Wood's place after the election. And he got an endorsement from Waldron, who called him "highly respected" in a text message to Sen.

Vice President Mike Pence Makes Surprise Trip To Troops In Afghanistan In First Trip To A War ...Source:

Before Fann chose him to investigate, the records were released from public hearings. Waldron says he and Flynn's group are not using military tactics against the Americans. He says the actions they took against Trump do not undermine American democracy because he believes they prevent voter fraud.

Many accused Trump of instigating the attack on the Capitol, and on January 12, the House of Representatives passed a resolution asking Pence to invoke the twenty-fifth amendment. However, he had previously rejected this proposal saying "it does not respect our people or is not compatible with our constitution".

Pence's term as vice president ended on January 20. He later published a memoir, So Help Me God (2022), focusing on his time in the White House. Pence has been fiercely protective of Trump and his presidency, often calling him "my friend."

"My mom was in the military. Three of my uncles were in the military. . . . I have a lot of respect for the military, the national anthem and the flag," Reid said. in this country for decades and decades." According to a defense official, military officials overseeing the nuclear launch authorization process did not know on Jan. 6 that then-Vice President Mike Pence's military aide, who was in charge of the "nuclear ball," could be in danger because protesters were blocking a violent Capitol uprising.

."And as our election contest continues in the courts across the country, I promise you: we will continue to fight until all the legal votes are counted, until all the illegal votes are thrown out," said Mike Pence at the National Party Council meeting on November 14.

, 2020. After Donald Trump lost the White House, former national security adviser Michael Flynn and three other current and former US military officials challenged the validity of the vote and made baseless conspiracy claims. .Military ethics experts say their actions threaten to weaken the public's faith in democracy nsa walkout at Sunday's game An American Legion spokesman said the vice president "has the right to listen to his conscience" and walk out "if he feels it's right," the Indiana chapter of the national team said Sunday.

will "lead by example" and not mislead the NFL.

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